Create a figure with three parts: a bar graph with variant (set of mutations at a primer binding region) counts organized by assay on top, a table with specific variant information in the middle, and a bar graph with lineage makeup per variant on the bottom
section_heights = NULL,
figure_res = NULL,
figure_width = NULL,
figure_height = NULL
Whether or not to save the table
Folder name for saving table
Start date for subset db
End date for subset db
File path to archive db (used to retrieve older subset of data for comparison; older subset uses same length of time as input subset db, e.g. start_date is "2022-5" and end_date is "2022-07", then older subset start date is "2022-02 and "2022-04)
File path to subset db
File path to WHO variant file (for getting Displayed Lineage order for legend in bottom stacked plot)
Letter value A - H corresponding to a viridis color palette; palettes are [A: magma, B: inferno, C: plasma, D: viridis, E: cividis, F: rocket, G: mako, H: turbo]; if color value doesn't match, it defaults to "viridis" palette
Optional vector containing the heights of the three sections of the visualization (top graph, middle table, and bottom graph). If no value is supplied, default is c(2,1.25,2).
Resolution of saved png figure
Width of saved png figure
Height of saved png figure